This QuickStart comprises four main exercises as described in the manual. Each chapter has a corresponding database created during the 4D First version 6 tutorial.
The Chapter1 folder contains the following exercises:
- creating a database structure
- generating input and output forms automatically
- creating a new record
- automating data entry
- importing records
- sorting, querying, and indexing
The Chapter 2 folder contains the database MyMusic. This chapter explains how to:
- create a second table
- establish a relationship between two tables
- generate forms automatically
- create sub-forms by using the advanced features of the New Form Wizard
The Chapter 3 folder describes how to create reports, labels, and graphs with the 4D First version 6 built-in editors.
The Final folder will be complete when the four main exercises have been carried out. This application includes custom menus and forms that can be published directly on the Web.
If you are a beginner, it will take you approximately two hours to design this application. Spend as much time as you need to completely master the technique of designing a database until you can create your own without looking at the manual. If you are already familiar with 4D First, you can try to design your own application in less than 20 minutes!